Episode 6 - The Truth About Having It All on The Juggle is Real Podcast

In this episode, I am a guest on Andryanna Gonko’s podcast, The Juggle Is Real. 

We discuss what  "having it all" means to us and how we can achieve it on our own terms. I share how I have learned to intentionally design my day and put myself at the top of my to do list so that I can be my best in my roles as an entrepreneur, mother, and wife. I encourage everyone to ask themselves, as they look at their day, how they can be supported. Often we are looking for ways our kids or other people in our lives need to be supported, but we leave ourselves out of that list.

We talk about mindset shifts I have made in order to really go after what I want in life and make it happen. In my current season of life, I have had to really decide what my priorities are and decide how to spend my time based on those priorities. As a recovering people pleaser, I used to fall into the trap of saying, “yes,” to everything at the expense of something else, often self care or precious time with my kids. I have had to learn to say, “no” to preserve what is most important to me in this season.

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Episode 7 - The Power of Exceptional Interview Questions as the Interviewee


Episode 5 - The Importance of Failure